Monday, January 27, 2020

Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay

Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay The play Trifles emphasizes the culture-bound notions of gender and sex roles, specifically, that women were confined to the home and that their contributions went unnoticed and were underappreciated. This play is also about how we pursue the truth, interpret and explain it, and how we value it. As the title of the play suggests, the concerns of women are often considered to be mere trifles, unimportant issues that bear little or no importance, while the real work was carried out by the men. This play questions the value of men and womens perspectives by going through the crime scene, where a woman is being accused of killing her husband, where the different genders take on opposite views of trying to understand the accused widows motives. The play starts off with the neighbor, Mr. Hale, telling his account of what he knew about the murder of Mr. Wright. Mr. Hale went over to the Wrights house to try and convince his neighbor to install a telephone so that they all could receive the service. He knew that Mr. Wright would be a tough sale because Mr. Hale had previously approached him to set up one and Mr. Wright right out refused to buy one. So Mr. Hale decided that he would go to the house and try to sell Mr. Wright into going ahead and getting one by propositioning him in front of Mrs. Wright, hoping that in some way she would convince her husband to do it. But, when Mr. Hale got to the house and knocked on the door, no came. So Mr. Hale continued to knock and finally heard a voice inside that said to come in. When he walked in he saw a disheveled Mrs. Wright sitting in her rocking chair, unphased by the presence of her neighbor she sat there ignoring him until he asked to see Mr. Wright. She said you cant see him. Confused he asked if he was there and she said yes, and then said he was dead. He asked how and she said by a rope on his neck. Mr. Hale shocked by this asked where and she pointed upstairs, as if it was unimportant. When he hurried upstairs and discovered the body of Mr. Wright as Mrs. Wright described and called the authorities. When they show the men have their wives with them to look through the crime scene. The men and the women have two very different reasons for being there-the men, to fulfill their obligations as law professionals, the women, to prepare some personal effects to carry to the imprisoned Mrs. Wright. The man that talked to Mrs. Wright tells the sheriff she is only worried about her preservative jars being broken because of the cold weather. The county attorney goes over to a shelf in a kitchen and announces there is a mess where her fruit had frozen, breaking the jars well, can you beat the women! Held for murder and worryin about her preserves to which Hale replies, women are used to worrying over trifles Mrs. Wright was worried about her preservatives because she worked hard for them and that was something she really cared about that was about the only thing that her husband allowed her to do. Her husband already forced her to quit her passion of singing in the choir. The two women in the room move closer to one another as the county attorney goes around the kitchen, making comments that belittle the women in terms of how they are only concerned with tiny things that relate to their kitchen. The women do stand for her, not necessarily because they were good friends of Mrs. Wright but because they understand the nature of farm life. It becomes clear at this point that the women notice things that the men dont, for all their criticisms. They see that Mrs. Wright had bread set, for instance, an important detail that marks what she was doing before the event. They remember when she was Minnie Foster and see how sad her life was, presumably because her husband was an unpleasant man. The women wonder if she did it, but Mrs. Hale says no because she was worried about trifles (mocking what the men had said) such as her preserves and apron and they dont seem to think that the ordinary things she was doing beforehand show any signs of anger or sudden extreme emotion. The two women are also bothered by the fact that it seems the men are sneaking around her house while shes locked up in town and do not like the way they criticize her housekeeping skills, especially since she didnt have time to clean up. The women are standing over Mrs. Wrights pattern of a log cabin quilting project and wondering if she was going to knot or quilt it and the men laugh at this. However, what the men dont realize is this trifle that they are thinking about, the quilt, reveals a very important piece of evidence. Most of the quilt discussed is very neat and perfect but all of a sudden there is a piece that is all over the place proving that Mrs. Wright was not her usual careful self, which proves the point that she was in distress while she was quilting at that place in time. Mrs. Hale moves the stitching about to make it look better, she is more conservative and assured that the men have the best intentions. As she looks for a piece of string the two women encounter a birdcage that looked as if it had been forcibly opened due to the immense damage to it. The birdcage is an important find in the play because although the women remember someone selling canaries, they dont remember her having a bird or a cat that might have gotten to it but they do remember that in her younger days, as Minnie Foster, she used to sing like a pretty bird but stopped doing so when she married her husband. Before more about this is explored the women discuss how they should have come over to Mrs. Wrights house more often, how without children and with a husband who always worked and was bad company when he was at home, it must have been lonely for her. The women are getting ready to take the quilt with them and look for scissors and find a box. In it they find the bird with an obvious broken neck, like someone strangled it forcefully showing motive that since her husband killed her bird, about the only thing Mrs. Wright had left that she loved, she couldnt take the abuse anymore and just snapped killing her husband. The womens way of knowing leads them not simply to understanding; it also leads to the decision about how to act on that knowledge. At this point the County Attorney enters and asks (probably mocking them) if they thought Mrs. Wright planned on knotting or quilting it and they reply that she was going to knot it an obvious metaphor for the crime. In another metaphor, the Attorney asks about the bird, if a cat got it, which they reply was the case. The cat in this metaphor is Mr. Wright. Mrs. Peters tells a short beginning of a story about a boy who took a hatchet to her kitten which alludes to the fact that she would understand how Mrs. Wright would feel if Mr. Wright killed her bird. They could understand how still and lonely it would be without the sound of a bird for comfort which prompts Mrs. Hale to say something about her baby that died and how it was the same feeling. A result of understanding, the women are able to gain power the wives themselves having been devalued all their lives, for their low status allows them to keep quiet at the plays end. Because the men do not expect the women to make a contribution to the investigation, they are disinterested in the womens views or about their valuable findings, that solved the murder case, because they are seen unimportant they are able to hide the evidence of Mrs. Wrights motive. The wives see themselves as guilty of a crime since they never came to see Minnie and they take the box with the bird and put it in their purse. Then the men enter and say Mrs. Wright was, indeed, planning on knotting it knowing that she did kill her husband but they dont have the evidence to back it up. I believe that Mrs. Wright was pushed so far by her emotionally abusive husband that she couldnt take it anymore and had a nervous breakdown. Once she snapped, she killed her husband the way that he had been slowing killing her all those years through the marriage and also the way that he horribly killed her canary. Mrs. Wright has all the classic signs of having schizophrenia. She was detached from emotion, I believe she didnt realize what she was actually doing at the time, she gave one word answers, and showed signs of distress.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Gwen Harwood Essay Essay

Opportunities for an individual to develop understanding of themselves stem from the experiences attained on their journey through life. The elements which contribute to life are explored throughout Gwen Harwood’s poems, At Mornington and Mother Who Gave Me Life, where the recollection of various events are presented as influences on the individual’s perception of the continuity of life. Both poems examine the connections between people and death in relation to personal connections with the persona’s father or mother. By encompassing aspects of human nature and life’s journey, Harwood addresses memories and relationships which contribute to one’s awareness of life. Memories and meandering thoughts, related to personal experiences, are explored throughout At Mornington where the persona shifts between the past and present and dreams and reality. This is similar to Father and Child where Barn Owl is set in past test and Nightfall is set in the present, symbolic of appreciation and understanding of the complexities of life which the child learns. At Mornington opens with an evocation of an event from the persona’s childhood which establishes the temporary and ever changing nature of human life. Reflected through the shifts between past and present tense, the persona is attempting to use past experiences in order to appreciate the present and accept the future. The poem provides a reflective and personal point of view accompanied by the recurring motif of water which symbolises the persona’s transition from childhood to the acceptance of the inevitability of death. In the third stanza, the persona refers to a more recent past where she had seen pumpkins growing on a trellis in her friend’s garden. The action of the pumpkins is described as â€Å"a parable of myself† which allows the persona to reflect on the meaning and quality of her own life and existence. The metaphor between the pumpkin vine and the persona suggests that like the pumpkin, human life also ripens and matures before coming to a closure and returning to the earth. Supported by the phrase â€Å"candlelight for eyesight,† the reader is made aware of the transience of life that the persona has grown to accept and understand. In Father and Child, as the persona moves on from childhood, her father becomes elderly and is entertained by simple things in nature, â€Å"birds, flowers, shivery-grass. † These symbols of nature remind the persona of the inconsistency of life and the certainty of death, â€Å"sunset exalts its known symbols of transience,† where sunset represents time. Both poems are indicative of the impermanence of life and that the persona has managed to mature and grow beyond the initial fearlessness of childhood moving onto a sophisticated understanding of death. The connection between life and death is expressed in a different way through Mother Who Gave Me Life, a poem of mourning for the dead. The poem can be seen as a personal farewell to the persona’s mother where the dominant images of the poem show evolution and the passing of time. Father and Child also demonstrates the passing of time as the persona moves from the innocence of childhood to the sadness of her father’s advancing age and inevitable passing. In Mother Who Gave Me Life, the reference to Halley’s Comet, which appears only once every seventy-six years, tells the reader that the mother was unable to see it once more before surrendering to death. The direct speech of the Sister is reported without the use of quotation marks as in, â€Å"When she died she was folding a little towel. † This provides readers with the knowledge that the mother addressed in the poem is dead. Without quotation marks, the flow of the poem is maintained and is therefore more easily absorbed into the texture of the poem. The parallel image of the â€Å"fabric of marvels† being reduced to the â€Å"little towel† raises the notion that whilst death may have brought a physical end to the persona’s mother’s life she remains a marvel of creation as the persona’s memories of her live on. The poem ends with the ‘fine linen’ recalling the memories of a typical childhood scene where the persona’s mother is calling for her to have dinner â€Å"as darkness falls on my father’s house. † This biblical reference to the House of the Lord, combined with the coming of darkness, reminds the reader of the inevitable ending of life and the respective movement into heaven. As the second section of Father and Child draws to a close, it is evident that the persona has grown to understand that she has limited time left with her father. The significance of Nightfall as the title of the second section, when considering the daybreak setting of Barn Owl, reinforces this. Sunrise symbolises youth whilst nightfall, in comparison, suggests an ending which implies death, a concept that the adult persona is beginning to acknowledge it as part of life. A particular instance in life can conjure different memories of the past as in At Mornington where the persona is drawn into recollections of childhood experiences with her father while standing by the graveside of her friend’s parents. A positive image of the father and child relationship is conveyed throughout the poem as in, â€Å"secure in my father’s arms. † This image conveys safety, comfort and protection which assists the persona in moving on and accepting the cycle of life. It is the security which stems from this relationship that enables the persona to mature from the perceptions and thoughts maintained as a child. Insight into the relationship between the persona, as both child and adult, with her father is also demonstrated in Father and Child. The dominance of the father is suggested through his imperative tone, â€Å"End what you have begun. † Despite the power-play in their relationship, there is still a sense of closeness, â€Å"I leaned my head upon my father’s arms. † This connection has enabled the persona to mature and grow through experiences. This personal relationship is also evident in Mother Who Gave Me Life where the imagery of light shows the persona realises the importance of her mother as she walks â€Å"in the light of the living. † This suggests that the persona is able to walk amongst the living due to her mother. The affirming experiences and enlightenment provided by this relationship enables the persona to see the life-giving role of women as part of the cycle of life. All the poems comment on an individual’s relationship with their mother or father which is essential in maturing and evolving as an individual. The relationships conveyed enable the persona to gain an understanding of life whilst considering its value and accepting its cycle. Ultimately, the exploration of memory and relationships with the persona and their father or mother enables an individual to comprehend human nature and the links between life and death. Throughout the poems At Mornington and Mother Who Gave Me Life, Harwood shows the reader, through memories and comparisons, different aspects of life which contribute to what it means to be human.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Value Chain in Domino’s Pizza

1. OVERVIEW Domino’s Pizza is the No. 1 Pizza Delivery Company in the world and the undisputed pizza delivery expert. The Company has a unique business and operation model and is a pioneer in the fast food industry. Since 1960, Domino’s Pizza has successfully expanded from 3 outlets in the United State to 9,350 stores operating in seventy countries. Domino’s operation in Malaysia and overseas uses the franchise model. The parent company, Domino’s Pizza LLC is head quartered in Michigan, United State of America. It maintains overall control on the sourcing and supplying of raw materials to the master franchises and enforces quality of the service and products sold. Founded in 1960, Domino's Pizza is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery operating a network of company-owned and franchise-owned stores in the United States and international markets. Domino's Pizza's Vision illustrates a company of exceptional people on a mission to be the best pizza delivery company in the world. 2. HISTORY The legend of Domino’s Pizza dates back to December, 1960 with the purchase of a small pizza shop in Ypsilanti, Michigan by brothers Tom and Jim Monaghan. The brothers bought the restaurant from friend Dominick DeVarti for USD500 cash and assuming the stores USD8,000 debt (Dicke, 1992). Neither Tom nor Jim had the intention of making the restaurant business their career, but rather saw the opportunity as a part-time venture to help cover the cost of their studies at the nearby University of Michigan. By June the store was earning a profitable USD400 a week but briskly fell off when students at the University went home for summer. Faced with the prospect of a slow phase, Jim sold Tom his half of the business in.. Domino’s One Brand -Putting People First -Demanding Integrity -Striving for Customer Loyalty -Delivering with Smart Hustle ; Positive Energy -Winning by Improving Results Everyday Making pizza since 1960†¦ Like most corporate success stories, Domino's started out small – with just one store in 1960. However, in 1978 the 200th Domino's store opened, and things really began to cook. By 1983 there were 1,000 Domino's stores and 5,000 in 1989. Today, there are nearly 10,000 stores – including more than 5,000 outside the United States. Sure, it took more than 50 years to get here, but the trip was well worth it. Feel free to take the journey yourself. Order a hot, Domino's Pizza for delivery to your door and make your family's dinner the best they have ever had. 1960s1960 * Tom Monaghan and his brother, James, purchase â€Å"DomiNick's,† a pizza store in Ypsilanti, Mich. Monaghan borrowed $500 to buy the store. >>>>1961 * James Monaghan trades his half of the business to Tom for a Volkswagen Beetle. 1965 * Tom Monaghan, the sole owner of company, renames the business â€Å"Domino's Pizza, Inc. 1967 * The first Domino's Pizza franchise store opens in Ypsilanti, Mich. 1968 * Company headquarters and commissary are destroyed by fire. The first Domino's store outside of Michigan opens in Burlington, Vt. |   | | 1970s1975 * Amstar Corp. , maker of Domino Sugar, institutes a trademark infringement lawsuit against Domino's Pizza. 1978 * The 200th Domino's store opens. |   | | 1980s1980 * Federal court rules Do mino's Pizza did not infringe on the Domino Sugar trademark. 1983 * Domino's first international store opens in Winnipeg, Canada. * The 1,000th Domino's store opens. gt;;;; * The first Domino's store opens on the Australian continent, in Queensland, Australia. 1985 * Domino's opens 954 units, for a total of 2,841, making Domino's the fastest-growing pizza company in the country. * The first Domino's store opens in the United Kingdom, in Luton, England. * The first Domino's store opens on the continent of Asia, in Minato, Japan. 1988 * The first Domino's store opens on the South American continent, in Bogota, Colombia. 1989 * Pan Pizza, the company's first new product, is introduced. * Domino's opens its 5,000th tore. |   |   | 1990s1990 * Domino's Pizza signs its 1,000th franchise. 1992 * Domino's rolls out bread sticks, the company's first national nonpizza menu item. 1993 * Thin Crust pizza is rolled out nationwide. * The company discontinues the 30-minute guarantee and re-emp hasizes the Total Satisfaction Guarantee: If for any reason you are dissatisfied with your Domino's Pizza dining experience, we will remake your pizza or refund your money. 1994 * Buffalo Wings are rolled out in all U. S. stores. 1995 * Domino's Pizza International opens its 1,000th store. First store opens on African continent, in Cairo, Egypt. >>>>1996 * Domino's launches its website (www. dominos. com). * Domino's rolls out flavored crusts, for limited-time-only promotions, nationally for the first time in company history. * The company reaches record sales of $2. 8 billion system-wide in 1996. 1997 * Domino's Pizza opens its 1,500th store outside the United States, opening seven stores in one day on five continents simultaneously. * Domino's Pizza launches a campaign to update the company logo and store interiors with brighter colors and a newer look. 998 * Domino's launches another industry innovation, Domino's HeatWave ®, a hot bag using patented technology that keeps pizza oven-hot to the customer's door. ;;;; * Domino's Pizza opens its 6,000th store in San Francisco, Calif. in April. * Domino's Pizza founder, Tom Monaghan, announces his retirement to pursue other interests, and gives up ownership of the company to Bain Capital Inc. 1999 * David A. Brandon is named Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Domino's Pizza. * The company announces record results for 1999, with worldwide sales exceeding $3. 6 billion. Revenues increased 4. 4% over 1998. |   |   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  | 2000s2000 * Domino's Pizza International opens its 2,000th store outside the United States. * Domino's Pizza celebrates 40 years of innovation and delivering pizza to homes around the world. During the past four decades, Domino's has paved the way for businesses involved in food delivery, employing practices that have set the standard in the industry. * Domino's Pizza announces record results for 2000. Worldwide sales exceed $3. 54 billion. Revenues increased 5. 3% over 1999. 001 * Domino's introduces Cinna Stix ®, a new permanent dessert item, to its menu. * Domino's launches â€Å"Get the Door. It's Domino's. † advertising campaign. * Domino's 7,000th store opens in Brooklyn, N. Y. ;;;; * Domino's launches two-year national partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation ®Ã‚  of America. * Domino's stores in New York City and Washington, D. C. , provide more than 12,000 pizzas to relief workers following the September 11 tragedy. Domino's establishes a team member matching funds program to financially assist the American Red Cross and donates $350,000 to the Disaster Relief Effort. Domino's Pizza International division establishes Domino's first regional resource center with the majority stake purchase of the franchise in the Netherlands, setting the stage for expansion on the European continent. * Domino's pizza announces record results for 2001. Worldwide sales exceed $3. 78 billion. Revenues increased 6. 8 percent over 2000. 2002 * In February 2002, Domino's Pizza acquired 82 franchised stores in the Phoenix, Ariz. , market, making it the largest store acquisition in the company's history. In August 2002, Domino's kicked delivery up a notch with the introduction of Domino's Pizza Buffalo Chicken Kickersâ„ ¢ and marked the creation of a whole new surprising categ ory – premium chicken delivered right to the door! 2003 * Domino's announces an exciting multi-year partnership by becoming the â€Å"Official Pizza of NASCAR. † * Domino's is named Chain of the Year by Pizza Today magazine, a leading pizza trade publication. * Domino's combines two culinary classics – pizza and Philadelphia Cheese Steak – to create   Domino's Philly Cheese Steak Pizza. 004 * Domino's launches Domino's Cheesy Dotsâ„ ¢, delicious round balls of dough covered in a blend of zesty melted cheeses. * Domino's becomes an associate sponsor for the Drive for Diversity program, a minority driver development program designed to provide a steady pipeline of well-trained and supported minority drivers for the NASCAR circuit. * Domino's Pizza Inc. , the recognized world leader in pizza delivery, becomes a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in July 2004, under the new ticker symbol DPZ. * Domino's announces a three-year p artnership with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. St. Jude was selected as Domino's â€Å"charity of choice† by franchisees and team members. >>>>2005 * Domino’s Pizza celebrates the completion of the three-year renovation of its World Resource Center in Ann Arbor, Mich. The renovation marks the first major improvement to the company’s world headquarters since Domino’s founder Tom Monaghan opened the sprawling Domino’s Farms office complex. * Domino’s Pizza Australia opens its 400th store in Aspley, Brisbane. * Domino’s Pizza in the United Kingdom celebrates the opening of its 400th store in Wadsley Bridge, Sheffield. Domino’s raises $1. 2 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital during its second annual â€Å"Thanks and Giving† campaign. * Domino’s Pizza efforts worldwide raise $220,000 to support southeast Asia tsunami relief efforts. * Domino’s Pizza launches its American Classic Cheeseburger Pizza in co njunction with its appearance as a featured task on the NBC hit reality show, â€Å"The Apprentice. †2006 * Domino’s celebrates the opening of its 8,000th store with simultaneous celebrations of the opening of its 5,000th U. S. store in Huntley, Ill. , and its 3,000th international store in Panama City, Panama. gt;>>> * Domino's indefinitely extends its relationship with St. Jude as its national charitable partner. Domino's raises $1. 34 million for St. Jude during its third annual â€Å"Thanks and Giving† campaign. * Domino’s Pizza introduces Brownie Squares — warm, delicious, bite-sized brownies delivered with a fudge dipping sauce. 2007 * Domino’s introduces OREO ®Ã‚  Dessert Pizza—a thin dessert-style crust that’s layered with vanilla sauce and covered with OREO ®Ã‚  cookie crumbles and then topped with sweet icing. * Domino’s introduces its Veterans and Delivering the Dream franchising programs. Domino’s rolls out online and mobile ordering. >>>> * Domino’s is ranked in the Top 10 for the ninth time in Entrepreneur magazine’s annual listing of great franchise opportunities. 2008 * Domino’s becomes the largest sandwich delivery company overnight when it launches a line of oven baked sandwiches. * Domino's launches a food delivery industry first: Domino's Trackerâ„ ¢. This revolutionary technology allows Domino's Pizza customers to follow the progress of their order online, from the time they click the â€Å"Place Order† button (or hang up the telephone), until the order is delivered. 009 * Domino’s introduces American Legends, a line of premium pizzas featuring toppings such as roasted red peppers, spinach and feta cheese. * Domino’s introduced Breadbowl Pasta and Chocolate Lava Crunch Cakes. * At year’s end, Domino’s scraps its 49-year-old pizza recipe and launches its â€Å"new and inspired pizza† with an unusual adv ertising campaign. ;;;;|   |   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  | 2010s2010 * Bain Capital sells its interests in Domino's Pizza. * In March, Domino’s Pizza opens its 9,000th store worldwide, with dual celebrations in New Delhi, India and New Orleans, La. gt;>>> * Domino's raises $2. 7 million during the 7th annual St. Jude Children's Research Hospital ®Ã‚  Thanks and Giving ®Ã‚  campaign, marking the largest single charitable donation in the company's 50-year history. * Domino’s Pizza celebrates its 50th anniversary in December. 2011 * Pizza Today Magazine names Domino's its â€Å"Chain of the Year† for the second straight year – making the company a three-time overall winner, and the first pizza delivery company to receive the honor in back-to-back years. Domino's continues to revamp its menu, launching a new recipe for Buffalo Wings and Boneless Chicken, a ne w line of Domino's Artisanâ„ ¢Ã‚  Pizzas using premium ingredients and two new bread sides – Stuffed Cheesy Bread and Parmesan Bread Bites. * Patrick Doyle is named No. 1 Best CEO of 2011 by CNBC. * Domino's Pizza is recognized as the Official Pizza of the NCAA ®Ã‚  and Official Pizza of NCAA ®Ã‚  March Madness ®. The partnership lasts from 2011-2013. 2012 * Domino's debuts its ordering app for Android phones. This, in addition to its existing iPhone app which debuted in 2011, offers a Domino's mobile ordering app to more than 80 percent of smartphones. * Domino's Pizza debuts its mobile ordering technology to Amazon's Kindle Fire by launching the Domino's Pizza app into the Amazon Appstore for Android. This marks the company's first appearance in the Amazon Appstore for Android and the company's first Android tablet app. * In August, Domino's launched its â€Å"Ultimate Delivery Vehicle† design competition – a campaign as unique as anything in its 52-year history. Pizza lovers and car enthusiasts were asked to help Domino's revolutionize the pizza industry by contributing to the design of the Ultimate Delivery Vehicle – something Domino's fans and customers could see as part of the delivery experience in the future. Stay tuned! * Domino's unveiled its new logo and ‘Pizza Theater' store design†¦marking a significant change in the customer experience at Domino's! ;;;; * Domino's debuted the biggest product launch since the redesign of its core hand-tossed pizza, launching its Handmade Pan Pizza in September. Made from fresh, never-frozen dough, the terrific product marked Domino's entry into the Pan Pizza scene in a big way! |   |   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  | Domino's 101: Basic Facts PIZZA, PRODUCT & MENU: * 85%  of the items on Domino's menu are new since 2008. * There are more than  34 million ways  to create a single Domino's pizza. * 30 slices of pepperoni  go on a medium pepperoni pizza (40 slices for a large peperoni pizza). * Pepperoni is the most popular U. S. pizza topping, followed by mushrooms, sausage, ham and green peppers. * Breadsticks were the first national nonpizza menu item offered at Domino's, in 1992. Domino's World's Fastest Pizza Maker Pali Grewal can make three large pizzas in just 39. 17 seconds. STORE ; FRANCHISE OWNER FACTS: * Domino's is  95% franchise-owned. * Domino's has about  1,100 independent franchise owners  in the U. S. * More than 90% started their careers as drivers or assistant managers. * Domino's delivery experts cover 1 0 million miles each week  in the U. S. alone. INTERNATIONAL & GLOBAL FACTS: * Domino's delivers more than  1 million pizzas a day  worldwide. * Domino's operates  10,040 stores in over 70 countries  around the world. * More than half of Domino's sales now come from outside the U. S. * 2011 global retail sales: $6. 9 billion ($3. 4 domestic, $3. 5 international). * Domino's International has experienced  18 consecutive years of positive same store sales  growth (Q4 2011). * Domino's currently holds the #1 pizza delivery market position in 21 markets, including 7 of our 10 largest: Mexico, U. K. , Australia, India, France, South Korea and Turkey. * Domino's largest markets are the following (by number of stores):   | †¢ U. S. – 4,509†¢ U. K. /Ireland – 719†¢ Mexico – 585†¢ Australia – 458| †¢ India – 515†¢ South Korea – 367†¢ Canada – 366†¢ Turkey – 259| †¢ Japan – 232†¢ France – 09†¢ Taiwan – 140| BUSIEST DAYS FOR DELIVERY: * Domino's sells more than 11 million pizza slices on  Super Bowl Sunday, nearly 80% more than a typical Sunday. * Super Bowl is followed by  Halloween, New Year's Eve/Day  and  Thanksgiving Eve. TECHNOLOGY & ONLINE: * Domino's is consistently one of the top five companies  in terms of online transactions, behind companies such as Amazon and Apple. * 80% of smartphones  are covered with the ordering app (iPhone and Android). * 30% of Domino's orders  are taken online in the U. S. * 30 Domino's international markets  feature online ordering. Corporate Profile Founded as a single store in 1960, Domino’s Pizza today stands as the recognized world leader in pizza delivery. From the beginning, we have been dedicated to the best of service, quality products and delivery excellence. Domino's Pizza Corporate FactsEach day, more than 1 million customers enjoy hot, delicious Domino’s Pizza products on every inhabited continent on Earth, because we operate over   10,000 stores in more than 70 countries; each and every store dedicated to our  focus of providing great-tasting pizza – whether it be delivered directly to your door or available for carryout. We pioneered the pizza delivery business back in 1960, and our total system sells more than 400 million pizzas worldwide every year. Great Name Brand Recognition Domino’s Pizza is recognized as a Megabrand by Advertising Age magazine, and has been named â€Å"Chain of the Year† by Pizza Today, the leading publication of the pizza industry, three times – including back to back wins, the first ever company to do so, in 2010 and 2011. Strong Teamwork Domino’s Pizza Inc. s leadership, team members and franchisees aspire to achieve our collective vision of being Team Members and Franchisees on a mission to be the best pizza delivery company in the world. We operate through a set of Guiding Principles founded on integrity and putting people first (our shareholders, customers, suppliers and employees) – which serve as our compass as we manage our business. Our Products Domino’s Pizza offers Classic Hand Tossed, Crunchy Thin Crust, Artisan and Handma de Pan pizzas, with a wide variety of toppings. Additional menu items include  Stuffed Cheesy Bread, Buffalo Wings & Boneless Chicken, Chocolate Lava Crunch Cakes and Cinna Stix ®. We also proudly serve icy cold Coca-Cola ®Ã‚  products. Domino’s has recently expanded its menu significantly to also include Domino’s American Legendsâ„ ¢ specialty pizzas, Oven Baked Sandwiches and BreadBowl Pastasâ„ ¢. In late 2009, Domino’s debuted its Inspired New Pizza – a permanent change to its core hand-tossed product, reinvented from the crust up with new sauce, cheese and garlic-seasoned crust. Innovating the Pizza Delivery Business Throughout our history, in addition to pioneering the concept of efficient delivery of made-to-order pizzas, we have been part of innovations that have made significant impact on the pizza and delivery industries. Here’s a look at some of our innovative thinking: * Domino's HeatWave ®Ã‚  Hot Bag Domino’s HeatWave hot bags were introduced in 1998 to keep pizzas oven-hot during normal delivery. Originally, each hot bag contained a patented heating mechanism charged by plugging into an electric outlet at the store. The outer material of the bag is made with water-repellent nylon, which replaced the less sturdy vinyl material previously used. Domino’s has continued to innovate and evolve the technology, removing the electric cord and heating each bag via an induction heating system. The latest edition of Domino’s HeatWave bags relies solely on a patented insulation system that keeps pizzas both hot and crisp – completely eliminating the need for electricity. * A better box Domino's was the innovator behind the sturdy, corrugated pizza box, which keeps moisture from weakening the box, while preventing cheese from sticking to the top during delivery. Car-top sign – in 3-D! Today, it's hard to miss pizza delivery cars — thanks to Domino's Pizza. Domino's invented the 3-D car-top sign, which is currently used by a variety of industries, including taxis and driving schools. Taking innovation a step further – in 2012, Domino’s launched its â€Å"Ultima te Delivery Vehicle† campaign, asking consumers and car enthusiasts to help design a pizza delivery vehicle in hopes of revolutionizing the industry! * Spoodle This saucing tool combines the best features of a spoon and a ladle, cutting down the time spent saucing a pizza. The Spoodle was introduced at the 1985 World's Fastest Pizza Maker competition by the eventual winner, Jeff Goddard. * Domino’s Online Ordering – Pizza Tracker and Pizza Builder Domino’s launched online ordering in 2007, and in 2008 revolutionized the customer experience by launching its innovative Pizza Builder and Domino’s Tracker. Pizza Builder allows customers to see their pizza come to life on the computer screen, as toppings and crust styles are selected in real time. Domino’s Tracker allows customers to follow the progress of the order, from the time it’s placed until customers receive it. The experience has seen various looks, themes and interactive opportunities since its debut. While the Pizza Builder has since been mimicked by other pizza companies, we remain the only company offering the unique, engaging ordering experience of Domino’s Tracker. These innovations and others have helped us get better at what we love to do most: deliver great pizza to your door, efficiently and enthusiastically! Strong Distribution System To allow Domino's stores to concentrate on making and delivering pizzas, Domino's developed a central distribution and dough manufacturing system. This relieves stores from long hours making dough, grating cheese and preparing toppings. Today, Domino’s Supply Chain Services (SCS) provides high quality dough and ingredients nationwide, keeping the company's pizza consistently delicious. In fact, through its network of 16 domestic distribution centers, SCS regularly supplies the nearly 5,000 U. S. pizza stores with more than 240 products. Other pizza and fast food companies in the U. S. have adopted this same system. | Success Factors * Domino's is a powerful global brand. â€Å"Mega Brand† as defined by Advertising Age * Significant, ongoing investments in advertising result in broad consumer awareness * We are the #1 pizza delivery company in the U. S. * Largest share of pizza delivery channel and continued innovation†¦reinforced by our well-known tagline, â€Å"Oh Yes We Did! † * We have a large and growing international presence. * Operate in over 70 countries and with more than 10,000 stores worldwi de * #1 or #2 market share position in most of our top 10 markets * We have a strong and proven business model with superior returns. Strong unit economics: focused on efficient operating model; moderate cost to open; solid cash-on-cash returns * Franchisees have succeeded and have high renewal rates because the business model works forming solid partnerships * Voluntarily purchase from company supply chain system * Geographically diverse franchise base with no significant concentrations * Return on assets higher than the quick-serve restaurant peer average * We operate a profitable, value-added supply chain system. * Ensures quality and consistency Leverages purchasing power * Enhances franchisee partnerships through 50% profit sharing * Allows stores to focus on sales and service * Our leadership team has a track record of success. * Delivered strong results since 1999 change of control Our Commitment to Diversity Domino's commitment to diversity is based on creating a unified and inclusive environment that respects and celebrates the uniqueness of our exceptional people who invest their time, talents and energies while striving to make our company the best pizza delivery company in the world. With more than 10,000 stores around the globe, our stores are as diverse as the communities they serve. Diversity Mission Statement Domino's Pizza is committed to an inclusive culture which values the contributions of our customers, team members, suppliers, and neighbors. Our Team Domino’s Pizza is proud of its heritage of helping pizza makers and pizza takers become independent business owners. Some of the most successful Domino’s franchisees began their career as delivery experts, customer service representatives, or pizza makers in their own communities. Corporate Careers Our corporate offices are full of exceptional people supporting those team members and allowing them to stay focused on the task at hand. Domino's office personnel support our nearly 600 corporate-owned stores, a system of 5,000+ domestic franchise-owned stores and an international franchise base that operates more than 5,000 stores in approximately 70 markets. We also manage our own distribution business, a rarity in the quick service restaurant industry. We have marketers and lawyers. Accountants and communicators. Trainers and lease negotiators. International business consultants and human resource representatives. Safety specialists and product developers. There's many more dramatically different roles to fill, but they all have one thing in common: Domino's Pizza people are fiercely proud of who we are and what we do. If you have those same traits, we'd love to have you on our team. As a company, we have plenty of growing left to do and many successes to celebrate. Come grow and celebrate with us. Corporate Benefits and Perks World Resource Center – Ann Arbor, Michigan A 200,000 square foot modern World Resource Center includes 27 conference and meeting rooms, updated research and development labs and gift store. The centerpiece is the spacious Welcome Center, which surrounds a four-story glass staircase and a Domino’s Pizza store at the base. The office is minutes from downtown Ann Arbor, and less than 30 minutes from Detroit’s Metropolitan Airport. Domino’s Pizza is located in a scenic rural setting in a building known as the Prairie House at Domino’s Farms Office Park, and whose external architecture was inspired by the works of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Located in suburban Ann Arbor, this landmark facility offers a unique and architecturally significant building, surrounded by pastures, cultivated farmland, and wildlife habitat. The following on-site amenities are available to Domino’s team members at the World Resource Center: 1. Dining Facility 2. Free Fitness Center membership 3. Post Office 4. Deli/Sundry Shop 5. Dry Cleaner 6. Bookstore 7. Credit Union 8. Art Gallery 9. Hair, nail and massage salons 10. Petting Farm 11. Free Parking Benefits Domino’s pizza recognizes the best way to achieve success is to first ensure the satisfaction of its team members. Treating team members exceptionally well is just one way we are committed to putting our people first. Domino’s is proud to provide a fair and comprehensive rewards package. Below are just a few of the generous benefits available to Domino’s team members. * Competitive salaries * Medical, dental and vision coverage * Prescription drug benefit * Wellness benefits * Health Savings Account (HSA) * Flexible Spending Accounts * Long and short-term disability * Team Achievement Dividend (performance bonus) * Partners Foundation (team member assistance) * Above-average paid holiday program * 401(k) matching program * Employee stock purchase discount plan * Company-paid life insurance * Supplemental and dependent life insurance * Tuition Reimbursement National corporate discounts * Legal services * Adoption assistance Corporate Training Programs Domino's Pizza Prep School For those team members not in stores every day and night, it is critical that they know how their role supports those who are and have a solid understanding of what happens in the store. This is so important to our business that we developed â€Å"Domino's Pizza Prep School† for o ur World Resource Center team members to give them store operations knowledge. This program earned Domino's a â€Å"Stevie† from the American Business Awards. HR Development Program The development program in the Domino’s People First department is a unique opportunity for early career human resource professionals to complete a defined career development plan, gaining knowledge and experience in all capacities of the field. Domino’s Pizza is committed to the development of the participants and has purposely selected positions that support their progression with the expectation that we are investing in the future leaders of the department. The program is only successful if the participant is equally committed to their development and responsibilities. We expect candidates to get as much as they can from each rotation and willingly support the company’s objectives, no matter where the position is located. Each participant is required to complete three rotations. Two of the rotations will be in a core assignment that all participants must complete, and the third will be one of the additional assignments. Core Assignments: * Shared Services (Ann Arbor, Mich. ) * Primary point of contact for 12,000 corporate team members for PeopleFirst-related issues. * Support team member requests by executing PeopleFirst policies and procedures and initiating recommended improvements. Maintain team members’ electronic records. * Communicate and support PeopleFirst programs Marketplace (corporate market): * Support team members in resolving employee relations issues * Coordinate staffing and retention initiatives Additional Assignments: * Franchise/Employee Relations * Compensation * Benefits * Training & Implementation Program * Learn ing & Development * Human Resource Information Systems DPZ University From first line supervision to leadership development, DPZ University provides the classes and career paths necessary to become successful. Domino's has a strong promotion from within culture and provides the necessary development to prepare individuals for future opportunities. Partnering with world-class organizations like Harvard Business School, Ninth House: The Leadership Development Company, Franklin-Covey, and others offer learning and development to achieve our vision of â€Å"Exceptional franchisees and team members on a mission to be the best pizza delivery company in the world. † Accounting/Finance Program Our cash and general ledger accountant positions are the gateway to opportunity at Domino’s Pizza. In this position, you will be responsible for: * Performing financial reviews at mid-period and final stages of the period closing cycle. * Communication with internal customers on outstanding accounting issues, problems, or concerns. * Acting as a resource to internal customers on financial statements. * Reviewing and analyzing accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory and payroll activity. * Preparing weekly estimates for distribution centers. * Analyzing and posting weekly corporate sales data. * Auditing weekly corporate store paperwork. Researching Corporate sales, food, and labor variance by comparing actual data to Domino’s Pulse, our point of sales system. * Assisting the accounting center management or other internal customers with analysis of financial impact on certain projects. Supply Chain Careers From our nationwide network of 17 supply chain centers, Domino's Pizza Supply Chain strives to fulfill its mission of supporting more than 5,000 U. S. Domino's Pi zza stores by providing them with more than 200 different products. 365  Million Pounds Of Dough Last Year Supply Chain is also responsible for producing the dough used to make our pizzas. Each dough production team member is trained and certified in the art and science of dough production to ensure a top quality product. Teamwork is the Key Ingredient From our warehouse and customer service team members to our commercial delivery and service drivers to our management team, Domino's Pizza Supply Chain provides the foundation of support for our franchisees. This cooperation and teamwork is a proven system that has made Domino's Pizza the world leader in pizza delivery. Supply Chain Training Programs The Supply Chain Centers responsible for dough production, warehouse and store delivery provides numerous training programs to acquire the skills necessary to be proficient including dough certification classes to ensure product quality, forklift certification, and numerous safety and defensive driving classes. Training provided in the following areas: * Facility Safety Organization (IPP) * Physical Hazards associated with job * Chemical Hazards * Safety guards built into machines equipment * Administrative controls in effect * Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) * Emergency Action Plans * Accident Investigation process Blood borne pathogen safety training * Electrical safety training * Personal protective equipment training * Back injury prevention training * Safety course Supply Chain Benefits and Perks Domino’s pizza recognizes the best way to achieve success is to first ensure the satisfaction of its team members. Treating team members exceptionally well is just one way we are committed to putting our people first. Domino’s is proud to provide a fair and comprehensive rewards package. Below are just a few of the generous benefits available to Domino’s Supply Chain team members. * Annual performance-based bonus * Quality equipment * Paperless logging Regular schedules * Single and team runs * Competitive medical and dental package * 401(k) savings plan with company match * Life insurance * Educational assistance * Employee stock purchase plan What We Do In Supply Chain From our nationwide network of 16 Supply Chain Centers, Domino's Pizza Supply Chain strives to fulfill its mission of supporting more than 5,000 U. S. Domino's Pizza stores by providing them with more than 200 different products. Supply Chain Management Management positions at Domino's Pizza Supply Chain Centers offer you the opportunity to join a world-class company with: * A competitive salary. An excellent benefits package. * Opportunity for career growth. Our team lead ers are involved in all facets of our business. The work is a combination of administrative and operational responsibilities performed throughout the Supply Chain Center. The best candidates are strong yet thoughtful leaders who have the ability to respect their team members and mentor them onto greater career development. If you care about the people who work for you and have the desire to encourage and assist in their career growth, you're the type of leader we look for. What Types of Management Positions Are Available? Our General Manager Development Program is an excellent start to acquiring skills and learning the fundamentals of business operations. In addition to several requirements, it is necessary to work successfully in a team leader position (minimum of six months) to apply for the program. The program is customized for each individual and focuses on the following areas. Food Production Preparing and mixing fresh pizza dough is the responsibility of a production team member. The production team is the secret behind the great-tasting Domino’s Pizza consumers turn to when they’re hungry. If you have the desire to create a top-quality food product every day, then our production department is for you. Commercial Delivery and Service Drivers We look for team members with a commitment to safety and excellent customer service to be part of our Delivery ; Service team. Delivery ; Service drivers will drive a truck over an established route to deliver products to Domino’s Pizza stores. When you take the wheel for Domino’s Pizza Supply Chain, you are the face of our company to our customers. You’re interaction with the stores is crucial to our success. Many drivers build lasting relationships with customers in the fun and supportive family environment of Domino’s Pizza. Warehouse Our warehouse team members ensure that our customers receive each and every product they order, every time they order it. As a warehouse team member, your main responsibility will be to load, unload and move materials within or near the Supply Chain Center. You’re the one who makes it happen for us every day and you are an important piece of who we are. Customer Service As a Customer Service Representative (CSR), you are responsible for taking incoming orders from stores using a telephone and computer. A CSR talks with our customers regularly, taking their orders and solving concerns and problems. Our customers look to you for answers and direction. Your professional customer service expertise is essential to keeping our stores happy. What Qualifications Do I Need? These professional level positions at Supply Chain Centers require: * Strong team leadership skills. * Three years of experience in managing multi-function operations (preferably in transportation or supply chain). * A bachelor's degree in a related field. * A willingness to relocate.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Film Production Of The Movie Industry - 1042 Words

Movie Industry Statistics Entertainment is a big business in most countries, particularly in America, and it even become bigger with the innovations and development of new technologies that allows easy film making, as well as the increasing interest of numerous individuals. Movie industry, also called as film industry comprises the commercial and technological institutions of film making such as film studios, cinematography, film production companies, film production, re-production, screenwriting, post production, distributions, film festivals and film directors, actors and other film staff. Though the cost involved in making movies almost directly lead film production to focus under sponsorships of standing film production companies, expansion of the opportunities to get investment capital from the other field, and advances in reasonably priced film-making equipment’s, have allowed those self-governing film production to advance. This advancements have encouraged more and more movie production which currently generates millions and even billions of revenues. Revenue of filmed entertainment worldwide PwC has predicted that revenue in the movie industry worldwide will possibly grow from $88.3 billion in 2015 to $104.6 billion in the year 2019. The generated revenue from movie entertainment in selected nations worldwide was measured in year 2013. The results show that United States of America remain on the top ranking, with revenue of more than 20 billion British pounds.Show MoreRelatedThe Film Production Of The Movie Production Industry1141 Words   |  5 Pages In the film production industry, the main goal is to produce a film that appeals to the audience and incorporate elements of the certain time period. In doing so, the production film must keep in mind the current trends and views of society. Stereotypes have been commonly present in society for as long as our history dates back to. 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